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My Addiction
Some say that gardening is cheaper than therapy, but that hasn’t
been my experience. Maybe it’s because I’m not fucked up
enough to need really expensive therapy, or maybe it’s because I
have severe hoarder/addict tendencies with plants, or maybe
both. Either way, this addiction has led me to make this page to
document the ongoing process of creating my next garden from
scratch. The last garden took me 27 years, but I’m hoping this
one will be faster. I will post lots of pretty flowers, probably some
wildlife, some project updates, and most likely some bitching
about the new subdivision going in next door. If you’d like to be
alerted to new posts, please click on the button below to
subscribe - at your own risk. Gardening requires sun, rain, dirt,
flowers, and an occassional cuss word. I learned that part without
any therapy at all. Come and join me in my current and upcoming
garden adventures.